Bike Safety Tips for Kids
Spring has sprung and the number of bicycles out on the streets is amazing. It's great to see families out for rides together and children getting exercise. However, it is disheartening to see the low level of bike safety that many of these families are practicing while they ride. Here are some tips to bear in mind for keeping your whole family safe while riding bikes. Make your child wear a helmet on every bike ride. I can't tell you how many people only make their child wear a helmet on "long" bike rides, or say "Well, she only rides in the driveway." The helmet protects the child's head if she falls, and falls can happen just as easily on your driveway as in any other place. Falls happen anywhere and everywhere, and the concrete is always just as inflexible. Wear a helmet yourself. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I see families coasting along all the time where the children are wearing helmets but the parents are not. I've seen some hor...