
Heart Attack Prevention

While people cannot control their family history and genetics, they can minimize risk factors for heart disease by: quitting smoking; controlling high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes; exercise regularly, and take a baby aspirin a day. These are all lifelong challenges to prevent heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Even with the best of preventive care, heart attacks happen. Develop an emergency plan so that if chest pain occurs make certain you, your family, and friends know how to activate the Emergency Medical Services in your area

Heart Attack Follow-Up

Medications that may be recommended on discharge from the hospital include: aspirin for its anti-platelet effect, a beta blocker to blunt the effect of adrenaline on the heart and make it beat more efficiently, a statin drug to control cholesterol and clopidogrel (Plavix) or prasugrel (Effient), other anti-platelet drugs. Since the heart may have been damaged, further testing may be needed to assess its pumping capabilities. Echocardiography can measure ejection fraction, the amount of blood that heart pumps out to the body compared to how much it receives. A normal ejection fraction should be greater than 50% to 60%. A monitored exercise program may be arranged. Attempts will be made to minimize cardiac risk factors including: smoking cessation, weight loss, control blood pressure, and lower "bad" cholesterol. Some patients will require coronary artery bypass surgery if their angiogram shows multiple areas of blockage. Special Sit

Heart Attack : Self-Care at Home

The first step to take when chest pain occurs is to call 911 and activate the Emergency Medical System. First responders, EMTs, and paramedics can begin treating a heart attack en-route to the hospital, alert the Emergency Department that the patient is on the way, and treat some of the complications of a heart attack should they occur. Step two is to take an aspirin. Aspirin makes platelets less sticky and can minimize blood clot formation and prevent further blockage of the artery. Step three is to rest. When the body does work, the heart has to pump blood to supply oxygen to the muscles and clear the waste products of metabolism. When heart function is limited because it doesn't have an adequate blood supply itself, asking it to do more work may cause more damage and risk further complications.

Heart Attack Treatment

Hospitals have established treatment plans to minimize the time to diagnose and treat people with heart attack. National guidelines suggest that an electrocardiogram (EKG) be done within 10 minutes of the patient's arrival in the ER. Many things will occur at the same time as the EKG being completed. The doctor will take a history and complete a physical exam while the nurses start an intravenous line (IV), place heart monitor lines on the chest, and administer oxygen. Medications are used to try to restore blood supply to the heart muscle. If it wasn't taken prior to arrival in the ER, aspirin will be used for its anti-platelet action. Nitroglycerin will be used to dilate blood vessels. Heparin or enoxaparin (Lovenox) will be used to thin the blood. Morphine can also be used for pain control. Antiplatelet medications such as clopidogrel (Plavix) or prasugrel (Effient) are also recommended. There are two options (depending on the resources at the hospit

Heart Attack Diagnosis

Diagnosis and treatment tend to occur at the same time in patients who are experiencing chest pain. If there is concern that heart muscle is at risk, delays need to be minimized so that blood supply to that muscle can be restored. Medical History The diagnosis of angina is made by history of the patient. If the story that the patient tells is suggestive of cardiac ischemia (cardiac= heart + ischemia= decreased blood supply), then the health care practitioner will continue on the path to determine whether a heart attack has occurred. Important questions include: When did the pain start? What were you doing? Did you have to stop? Did the pain get better with rest? Did the pain come back with activity? Did the pain stay in your chest or did it move somewhere else, like the jaw, teeth, arm or back? Did you get short of breath? Did you become nauseous? Were you sweating profusely? The medical history also includes assessing risk factors for hear

Heart Attack : When to Seek Medical Care

Chest pain is almost always considered an emergency. Aside from heart attacks, pulmonary embolus (blood clot in the lung) and aortic dissection or tear can be fatal causes of chest pain. Classic pain from a heart attack is described as chest pressure or tightness with radiation of the pain to the jaw and down the arm, accompanied by shortness of breath or sweating. But it is important to remember that heart problems may not always present as pain or with the classic symptoms. Indigestion, nausea, profound weakness, profuse sweating, or shortness of breath may be the main symptom of a heart attack.   First responders, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics can begin testing and treatment even before you arrive at the hospital. Remember to take an aspirin immediately if you are concerned that you are having a heart attack. Doctors and nurses in Emergency Departments take an individual experiencing chest pain very seriously. You are not wasting anybody&

Heart Attack Symptoms and Signs

Classic symptoms of a heart attack may include: chest pain associated with shortness of breath, profuse sweating, and nausea. The chest pain may be described as tightness, fullness, a pressure, or an ache. Unfortunately, many people do not have these classic signs. Other signs and symptoms of heart attack may include: indigestion, jaw ache, pain only in the shoulders or arms, shortness of breath, or nausea and vomiting. This list is not complete, since many times people can experience a heart attack with minimal symptoms. In women and the elderly, heart attack symptoms can be atypical and sometimes so vague they are easily missed. The only complaint may be extreme weakness or fatigue. Pain may also radiate from the chest to the neck, jaw, shoulder, or back and be associated with shortness of breath, nausea, and sweating.

Heart Attack Risk Factors

Heart attack is most often caused by narrowing of the arteries by cholesterol plaque and their subsequent rupture. This is known as atherosclerotic heart disease (AHSD) or coronary artery disease (CAD). The risk factors for ASHD are the same as those for stroke (cerebrovascular disease) or peripheral vascular disease. These risk factors include: a family history or heredity, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. While heredity is beyond a person's control, all the other risk factors can be minimized to try to prevent coronary artery disease from developing. If atherosclerosis (atheroma=fatty plaque + sclerosis=hardening) is already present, minimizing these risk factors can decrease further narrowing. Non-coronary artery disease causes of heart attack may also occur. Examples include: Cocaine use. This drug can cause the coronary arteries to go into enough spasm to cause a heart attack. Because of the irrit

Heart Attack Causes

Over time, plaque can build up along the course of an artery and narrow the channel through which blood flows. Plaque is made up of cholesterol buildup and eventually may calcify or harden, with calcium deposits. If the artery becomes too narrow, it cannot supply enough blood to the heart muscle when it becomes stressed. Just like arm muscles that begin to ache or hurt when heavy things are lifted, or legs that ache when you run too fast; the heart muscle will ache if it doesn't get adequate blood supply. This ache or pain is called angina. It is important to know that angina can manifest in many different ways and does not always need to be experienced as chest pain. If the plaque ruptures, a small blood clot can form within the blood vessel, acting like a dam and acutely blocking the blood flow beyond the clot. When that part of the heart loses its blood supply completely, the muscle dies. This is called a heart attack, or an MI - a myocardial infarction (my

Heart Attack Overview

The heart is a muscle like any other in the body. Arteries supply it with oxygen-rich blood so that it can contract and push blood to the rest of the body. When there isn't enough oxygen flow to a muscle, its function begins to suffer. Block the oxygen supply completely, and the muscle starts to die. Heart muscle gets its blood supply from arteries that originate in the aorta just as it leaves the heart. The coronary arteries run along the surface of the heart and supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. The right coronary artery supplies the right ventricle of the heart and the inferior (lower) portion of the left ventricle. The left anterior descending coronary artery supplies the majority of the left ventricle, while the circumflex artery supplies the back of the left ventricle. The ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart; the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and left pumps it to the rest of the body.
